Designated Safeguarding Leads
If you have a welfare concern regarding ANY child in our School, please speak to a DSL as soon as possible.
Safeguarding is a priority at Ling Bob J, I & N School and we have several policies in place to help to keep our children safe, such as; Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy, Health & Safety Policy, Medical Needs Policy, Behaviour Policy and an Anti-Bullying Policy.
​Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and all staff working in school receive regular training and are familiar with the statutory guidance of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 Training includes a range of safeguarding issues, including the Prevent strategy to protect children from radicalisation and extremism, child sexual exploitation and FGM.
Each school has it’s own Safeguarding Policy
If you are worried about the welfare of a child who attends Ling Bob School, please speak to a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Our Senior DSL is Jeanette Bolton. If you have concerns about a child being at risk of harm, you can also contact Calderdale’s Multi Agency Screening team on 01422 393336.
For further information please visit Calderdale’s Safeguarding Children Board or the NSPCC website.
Useful Support Numbers
Women’s Domestic Violence 0808 2000 247
Men’s Domestic Violence 0808 801 0327
NSPCC 24hr free phone 0808 800 5000
Childline 0800 1111
Women’s Refuge 0845 155 1485
Police (if not urgent) 101
Social Services 01422 393336
Emergency Duty Team (out of hours social care) 01422 288000
Family Support Virtual Drop In: 01422 251090
Women's Centre: 01422 386500
Calderdale Staying Safe (Domestic Abuse Support): 01422 323339
Ling Bob J, I & N School, Albert Road, Pellon, Halifax, HX2 0QD
01422 434000